THE Best Baby Invention: A Carseat Swing

Do you remember a few months back when I posted about inventions every parent needs but just don’t exist yet? That was a pretty good list, and you all added some solid gold ideas of your own: an arm extender to reach dropped toys in the backseat, an automatic mood changer, a baby radar blocker to block loud noises during baby’s naps, a combo washer/dryer/folder …. Every parent’s dream, right?

Well, I’ve been ruminating about another invention, and this one is only going to work for those babies and toddlers who actually like riding in a car; I realize some scream and/or throw up during car rides. Parents, I’m very sorry for you … but a car ride is my crutch for when my kid(s) just won’t take a nap or settle down at all.


Doesn’t that look like the comfiest cocoon for napping? Can you already feel the car vibrations?!

Let me tell you a short story about Baby. She’s 19mo and only now transitioning from two to one nap a day. So her once-9:15 morning nap has become a 10:30-at-the-earliest nap. But … on Wednesday we drove Toddler to camp at 8:45, and by 9:05 on the drive home Baby was asleep! And this was after waking up at 7:45! Obviously her carseat has voodoo sleep magic – right?

What is it about a car that calms my kids down? And gets them to sleep (if they are within about two hours of a nap window) within 15 minutes? Maybe it’s the vibrations from the tires. Maybe it’s the back and forth swaying from turns. Maybe it’s the lack of stimulus from toys or books. Or perhaps it’s the security from being buckled into their personal sleep cockpit as cozy as can be.

I don’t care why it works, but a car ride is my mommy magic. I am going to milk this for as long as I can!

So I suggest this invention (you’re welcome Graco, Summer Infant, and Evenflo – you all better be listening to this gift) to replace those electronic baby swings so many moms use: make a seat made from an actual carseat (focus on comfort, not safety) and put it an open-topped box. The box’s interior is decorated to look like the backseat of a car, and the box’s base vibrates and moves in an exact imitation of a driving car. Throw in a little white noise machine and done.

Am I right? Instant nap inciter and fussies calmer. Call it magic, call it voodoo, call it a miracle – I just say please, can someone invent this so babies everywhere will fall asleep easily? And moms will return to their saner side?

Would you buy a carseat swing for your littles?

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