Welcome, Fall! Our Fall Bucket List

See ya, summer! Go away with your heat and humidity and bright nights. Hello, crimson leaves, crisp air, and pumpkin-ized life.

I love fall! I’ve always felt happiest during this season, though I can’t pinpoint why. I do love the respite from a hot summer, the smell of cinnamon, and the anticipation of Christmas, but I feel like it’s more than that. The start of a school year? The beginning of indoor cuddle-up-with-a-book-next-to-the-fire time?

Whatever the reason, I love it. And I have quite a few fun activities planned for my family this season. I just hope I do better checking them off than I did for my summer bucket list; sure, we made lemonade and went to Six Flags, but we never got to mint chocolate chip ice cream or the Camden Aquarium, although we did consciously forgo the aquarium for a very cool playground/zoo/train ride park instead. And I only weeded once (because I’m lazy and also because I realized I just don’t care right now). Meh, flexibility is a skill, right?

Fall Bucket List

Long list, right? I will have to keep on track and plan well! There are a lot of baking events, which I hope Squish will help me with. There are some trips, such as an annual pumpkin picking get together we do with our closest friends and their kids. We’re also returning to Sesame Place because the ticket we bought in spring includes a second visit!!

I also created some academic goals, mostly for Squish (although I also want to make a conscious effort to work with Puff more on shapes, colors, etc.) Notice too that speech therapy is on the list – yikes! Squish’s doctor recommended she get evaluated because I guess she has a sort of “s” lisp and doesn’t say “th” words correctly. I’m pretty sure she won’t qualify for services offered by our school district, so it’ll be up to me to help fix those misspoken words. I just hope she’ll sit down for me and learn!

How much do YOU like fall? What’s on your fall bucket list?


19 thoughts on “Welcome, Fall! Our Fall Bucket List

  1. Funny, I totally wrote about a fall bucket list today, too! We don’t have the same kind of fall here in Italy, but I found a list of ways to slow down, relax, and make your home more homey. I think I will use that as my bucket list.
    Sesame Place would be amazing! Sounds like a toddler happy place, for sure! And please share your baked donut recipe… I so want to make that!

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    • Ooh, I’m going to check out your list! I love the concept of slowing down and getting cozy in fall. We have a woodstove to burn wood, so we start making fires in October; that’s definitely more cozy feeling!
      It is fantastic! If you’re ever in PA, check it out! It’s just NW of Philadelphia.
      I’ve used Joy’s recipes via joythebaker.com with success, but I actually don’t have a perfect apple cider or pumpkin donut recipe yet! (Well, there is one pumpkin donut recipe from Real Simple, but it uses so much butter that I just can’t justify it.)

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      • We have a fireplace that isn’t very effective for actual heating purposes because of the shape of our living room, but it sure is cozy! We didn’t start using it until late winter, but I’ll definitely start earlier this year… mostly because we have a bunch of wood left over.
        Butter = love. Julia Child agrees.

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  2. Can I join y’all for some of that cooking? S’more ice cream, mmm. I absolutely love the fall, too. We won’t get to do as much of the fun October stuff since two weekends will be busy with weddings, but give me a break from the heat and some Halloween candy and I’ll be just fine.

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