Toddler Talk Tuesday: What DOES Daddy Do During the Day?

Are anyone else’s kids a bit confused about what their parents actually do during the day? I’m home with my two girls every day, so they know every second of my life – right down to my bathroom duties, of course. However, they really don’t understand what my husband does.

Squish has seen his desk, so she knows he works in a certain building and has a computer at his desk, but like most young kids has no idea what can actually be done with a computer.

Naturally, she must assume he does with his work computer what we do with ours at home: listen to music, see videos on YouTube, and watch movies. In particular, we showed her Sleeping Beauty on my husband’s laptop because we purchased it via his Amazon account.

So what happened one weekday afternoon (nearly two years ago now – I’m reaching into the archives for this quote!) when Squish wanted to watch that movie?

Squish: “Watch Sleeping Beauty again.”
Me: “We can’t, honey. Dad went to work, and it’s on his computer.”
Squish: “Daddy watch Sleeping Beauty at work.”

(To clarify, he brought his personal laptop to work by chance that day to do something with it during lunch.) Obviously she assumed her daddy would only be watching Sleeping Beauty on it! (Can you imagine?!)

Well, it seems her little sister is similarly envisioning fun workdays for my husband – or else she’s equally delusional, however you want to say it. We had this exchange early last Wednesday morning after Puff woke up, which was 15 minutes after my husband left for work:

Puff: “Daddy! Daddy?”

Me: “Daddy’s not here. Where is daddy?”

Puff [deadpan]: “Ball.”

Well, work might some days feel as hellish as going to a ball would be for him (!), but alas, dear Puff, your daddy does not waltz through the workday.

When will my kids grasp what parents do at work all day long?!? …. Actually, let’s hope it’s a long way away…. Let them enjoy their carefree childhoods as long as possible.

Bonus quote!!! Since we’re talking about my husband today, I thought I’d feature him with this great line he said this past weekend. We’ve recently busted out the Legos we had as kids, and our girls are loving playing with them – almost as much as we are.

Husband: “Man, I would be so good at Legos if I played with them today.”

Lego vans

Maybe he’d be better, but not me…. On the left is a van I made (from a set) probably 20 years ago (still intact in my bin!), and on the right is a quick car I made a few days ago. Obviously my skills have degraded.

Have a great Tuesday, all!

12 thoughts on “Toddler Talk Tuesday: What DOES Daddy Do During the Day?

  1. My BFF’s ex-husband works in city planning, and he used to tell his toddler, “Daddy helps people get houses.” So he would leave for work and she would ask if everyone didn’t have a house today. “No, not everyone has a house. So Daddy still has to go to work.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol! My son always thought my husband helped Santa makes toys because we visited his work at Christmas time one year and Santa was there!!

    On a side note, I am super impressed that your Lego van is still intact!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just last week, Noah overheard me talking to a friend about Capo (the base where our husbands work) and now he says “Daddy work Capo. Mommy work home.” Haha, so true, little one. To be fair, I don’t really know what my husband does all day either. Sometimes it seems that he spends his whole day getting coffee and challenging other people to the name-the-countries-of-the-world quiz.

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    • He’s so smart!
      I feel that way about a lot of my friends – I sometimes want to ask them for an hour-by-hour rundown of their day so I understand them better!
      The only reason I know what my husband does is because I did almost the same job at the same post; I feel lucky about that!


  4. My 23 month old say “Work” if you ask him where Daddy is during the day. But then if you can ask him where Bailey our dogs is and he says “Work” even if she is in the same room. My husband likes to ask him where Mommy is when I am in the bathroom because it gets the same response.

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  5. The idea of your husband sitting at work watching Sleeping Beauty is a hoot! All my kids know is that their dad does stuff on the computer. I barely know what he does, as it involves spreadsheets, code, and lots of boring stuff that I zone out on.

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    • Oh man, Puff is almost 21 months and enjoys them (why doesn’t she play with Mega Blocks?! They’re upstairs in a bin!). Squish is just over 4, and she seems to like playing with the Lego people more than build with the bricks. Strangely, her younger sister likes that better – and is more skilled at it…..
      Legos are honestly the toy version of gold. Can’t beat it!

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