Top 3 Songs We’ve Co-opted To Get Our Kids To Do Something

It’s well know that songs can help kids learn things better. Put a bunch of information to the tune of a known song, and they’ll memorize it much easier than repetition, flash cards, or the (tedious) like.

I haven’t used that yet for Toddler, but I think I will soon. First I need to learn some myself! I can’t recall any from my school days since I have mom brain now. Buuut, I do sing songs a lot – pretty much all day long.

(I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as Toddler sings most of the day as well – at nearly 100dB).

Erika at Dorky Mom Doodles co-opts songs all the time, and I realize we do, too. Sure, I sing traditional lyrics, especially when songs get stuck in my head – which is always – but for the girls I’ve taken to taking the lyrics of rather well-known songs and using it to get them to do something. The singing catches their attention and they tend to listen a bit better than if I just said the words.

Crazy, yes. But I’m a mom of two, so I’m allowed to be a little crazy … right?

Can’t Touch This.  This song is probably MC Hammer’s most well-known song, which means my girls probably will never hear it … but they will hear my version! I sing it when they reach for something they shouldn’t. I actually keep these lyrics about the same, as I sing, “You can’t touch that!” (Side note: those pants!!!!!!! Ah, the 90s….)

Give It Away.  I sing this at clean-up time, usually accompanied by a weird dance, though not quite as strange as what the Chili Peppers did. My words are, “Put it away, put it away, put it away, put it away now!” Cue open-mouthed stares from Toddler….

Let it Go.  When Toddler and Baby are fighting over the same toy – or just plain fighting – I bust out their mutually favorite song. Depending on the situation, the lyrics change, but for example I might sing, “Let it go, let it go! That is your sister’s toy! Let it go, let it go! Find something else to hold!” Usually it prevents tears, being the great distraction that it is; mostly it causes Toddler to belt out the real lyrics in a half scream, half wail. Yikes.

So, that’s my main list for now. It does grow every day. What about you? Do you use songs for coercion as well? (Let’s hope you sing better than me!)

29 thoughts on “Top 3 Songs We’ve Co-opted To Get Our Kids To Do Something

  1. Ha! My dad used to blast Can’t Touch This on Saturday mornings to get us out of bed to get our weekend chores done. The MC Hammer CD was sent to him by Columbia House because he forgot to cancel in time. So he got some use out of it ahahahhaa. Do you remember when CDs were $20 and there were mail order CD Clubs? Or am I the only Old here? LOL.

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    • Oh yes, Columbia House!!! My sister and I were both members at various times. I didn’t get an MC Hammer CD, but I remember hearing it on the radio all the time (through our boombox, of course! which ran on D-cell batteries, right?!).
      Your dad sounds like a cool guy!

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    • Ha! I do that sometimes, too. For whatever reason, in the last 6+ months I’ve started singing songs once I hear a word or phrase spoken that’s from the song (weird compulsion). I think these grew from that! I seem to always have a song stuck in my head, too….

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  2. Oh, we absolutely do Let it go, too! But, I also have started singing:
    All by myself, wish I could pee, all by myself once today (to the tune of all by myself by Celine Dion

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