Toddler Talk Tuesday: What Happens When a 4yo Talks On The Phone

Squish turned four years old on the 9th, and her birthday was enjoyed by all. It was especially successful for her because we managed to drag it out for four days: at her grandparents’ house out of state the weekend prior, a mom’s group playdate the day before, on her actual birthday at home, and a few days later with a very small party (the other grandparents and our four closest friends) at our house (since you know how I despise kid’s birthday parties).

She ended up with a few gifts, from us and her family and friends. She got two dress-up dresses (Anna and Elsa, naturally) and many other cool things … including one utilitarian item universally adored by young children (and cats):

Squish: “Mom, dad, thank you for all my birthday gifts … especially my flashlight.”


A flashlight: the ultimate kid’s gift (trust me).

This kid is one cheap date … we learned this after spending $70 on a motorized excavator (which is actually very awesome, my husband will attest) which she now shows 2% interest in.

But mainly I want to regale you with the tale below. This is taken from a conversation Squish had over speakerphone with her aunt. Her very, very patient aunt. Have you talked on the phone with a 4yo lately? If she’s anything like my kid, she will ramble on about nothing – or whatever she’s looking at  – while also jumping from subject to subject and inventing fanciful stories. High entertainment? Always!

Squish: “We have a penguin at our house. “

Avocado tree in a fox pot

There actually IS a fox pot, believe it or not.

Aunt: “You do?!”

Squish: “Yeah, a real one. He’s our pet.”

Aunt: “Oh, wow.”

Squish: “And a fox pot.”

Aunt: “Oh?”

Squish: “Yeah.”

Aunt: “Can I see it on Sunday?”

Squish: “Yeah, but it’s behind our couch, so my little sister doesn’t get to it and dig into the dirt … like she did in the big pot with the palm plant.”

Aunt: “Oh, yikes.”

Squish: “Yeah … she’s a troublemaker.”

For the record, the only pets we have are the spiders in the corners I don’t dust, but yes, little Puff is indeed a troublemaker. Called out!

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