Parenting Misconception #56 – Juggling Two Kids

I’m really good at having parenting misconceptions, despite popping two kids out by now.

Before baby #2 came along, I really feared the loooong minutes I knew I’d be spending breastfeeding. I anticipated being glued to the couch/rocking chair while that little babe sucked for a good 30-40 minutes, all the while my adorable toddler would be scribbling on my walls with crayons or having a catastrophic leaking poop diaper situation halfway across the house.

I watched my seasoned two-kid mommy friends and their ability to nurse their babies in a carrier (I think it takes a graduate degree in child care to do that) and assured myself I’d be fine.

Turns out, I was. Baby #2 nursed much quicker than #1 did, and for some reason I’ve been able to keep my toddler well occupied while I feed her sister. (Special thanks to some cool apps on my Kindle … hey, they’re actually educational! Seriously – she loves the Puzzingo and the Wonster Words apps.) She did watch a bit more Sofia the First, maybe, but I manage to read a book to her while nursing her sister, talk to her while she plays, and generally stay engaged. But mostly she’s figured out how to play independently and keep busy on her own until we can all play together.

The toughest times, as it turns out? Laying down baby #2 for naps! My toddler is now out of my sight (though she is quite a good kid and will stay where she should and almost always keeps out of trouble) and has to stay quiet while her baby sister tries to visit Nod.

That’s the hardest part – staying quiet. Because my little one loves to stomp about in dress-up heels (“glass slippers”) and sing Disney songs and Happy Birthday (why, kid, why?) at rock concert levels.

So, we do our best. I’m adjusting every day. But as usual, I was a bit wrong about what’s the hard about having two kids.

(Yes, I’m sure the “best” is yet to come!)

5 thoughts on “Parenting Misconception #56 – Juggling Two Kids

  1. Pingback: Whisper: Thing #32 Toddlers Can’t Do | welcometothenursery

  2. Pingback: Sweet Memories Friday: An Early (Napless) Black Friday for Me | welcometothenursery

  3. Pingback: Sweet Memories Friday: Back When Things Were Just … Easier | welcometothenursery

  4. Puzzingo is a wonderful app! My daughter adores it. As far as breastfeeding goes, I had the same fear when I was pregnant with my second child. My eldest took soooooo long to nurse. I remember him spending half an hour on one side followed by another half hour on the other for the longest time. My daughter was more of a I’m-gonna-nurse-7-minutes-on-just-one-side-and-get-on-with-my-life kind of baby. She’s still that way as a toddler. We’ve nicknamed her “little tornado”.

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